Introductory Course on Negative Polarity Items: Corpus Linguistics, Semantics, and Psycholinguistics Frank Richter, Janina Rado, Manfred Sailer ASSIGNMENT DAY 4: For this assignment you are invited to work together with speakers of the same language. Task: Prepare a small questionnaire study. Method: 1) Take six NPIs from the previous assignments and use them to construct natural-sounding sentences. Ideally the six sentences will be reasonably similar. 2) Modify each sentence to produce two more versions: one without a licenser (condition (b)) and one with intrusive negation (condition (c)). Again, all condition (c) sentences should be reasonably similar. Versions (a)-(c) of one sentence constitute an item. 3) For each condition type, write three more sentences *without NPIs* that appear just as acceptable to you as the condition. For condition (a) you will probably want fully grammatical sentences. For the other two conditions you should try to find the best match. The resulting nine sentences are your distractors (a.k.a. fillers). 4) Create three counterbalanced lists: only one version of each item should occur on each list, and each list should contain the same number of items in each condition (=2). For instance, List 1 may include (1a), (2b), (3c), (4a), (5b), (6c). Across the lists, all items will have to appear in all conditions. Can you figure out what Lists 2 and 3 should be? 5) Add all nine distractors to each list and mix up the order of the sentences. Now you have a questionnaire. 6) Optional: ask other native speakers of the language to judge the acceptability of the sentences. One person should only fill out one version of the questionnaire (one list). Different people should be given different lists. Ideally you'd ask multiples of three people. What to turn in: the set of items and fillers that you constructed in steps 2 and 3. Include a brief explanation of how the filler types are supposed to match the acceptability of the experimental conditions. If you get to try out the questionnaire, we would also like to hear about the results! Mail your results by Friday 11am to