Identify all comments
     Which ones are javadoc comments?

Identify all variable declarations
     Which ones are primitive variables?
     Which ones are object variables?
     Which ones are instance variables?
     Which ones are local variables?

Identify all method headers
     What are the return types?
Identify all method bodies
Identify all method calls

Identify all parameters
Identify all arguments

Draw a UML diagram for the Car class

* Simulation of a car, with methods to read the
* car data and to convert the car data to a String
import java.util.*;

public class Car1 {

public String owner; // owner's name
public String license; // license plate
public int speed; // current speed

* Read the data for a car from the user,
* using screen prompts and scanner input.
public void readInput() {
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Who is the owner of the car?");
owner = keyboard.nextLine();

System.out.println("What is the license plate?");
license = keyboard.nextLine();

System.out.println("What is the speed?");
speed = keyboard.nextInt( );

* Keep reading speed until user enters
* a nonnegative number
while (speed < 0) {
System.out.println("Speed cannot be negative.");
System.out.println("Reenter speed:");
speed = keyboard.nextInt();

* Return a String containing the car data
public String toString() {
String carData = "Owner: " + owner + "\n";
carData += "License: " + license + "\n";
carData += "Speed = " + speed + "\n";

return carData;
* A program to demonstrate the Car1 class by
* instantiating 3 cars, getting user input
* for all 3, and finally printing each car.

public class Car1Demo {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Car1 carA = new Car1();
Car1 carB = new Car1();
Car1 carC = new Car1();

System.out.println("Enter data for carA:");

System.out.println("\nEnter data for carB:");

System.out.println("\nEnter data for carC:");

System.out.println("\nWe created 3 car objects:");