Orthographic Criterion

English adjectival compounds have a variable orthography as the compound constituents can be spelled either as single words, as separate words, or can be hyphenated. In written English when two lexemes have a solid spelling, function as a syntactico-semantic islands and have a modifying function are regarded as compounds. Another significant orthographic marker in English adjectival compounds is the hyphen. Two or more lexemes which are hyphenated, have a grammatical and syntactic unity and are used attributively, are considered adjectival compounds. Here are two sentences that illustrate the role of hyphen in distinguishing ACs from phrases.
  1. Mary was carrying a light blue bag.

  2. Mary was carrying a light-blue bag.

When we have the spelling criterion in mind, it is not difficult to identify the adjectival compound in sentence (2). Light blue is a free combination of two adjectives, which do not act as a single word but modify the noun 'bag' separately. 'Light' modifies the noun 'bag', not the adjective 'blue' and means 'not heavy', whereas in light-blue, 'light' modifies or adds to the meaning of 'blue' and means a shade of blue. The whole lexeme combination 'light-blue' modifies 'bag'.

Bulgarian ACs can be either hyphenated or spelled as single words. The spelling of ACs in Bulgarian depends on the syntactic relations existing between the compound constituents. When the compound constituents are in a subordinate relation, the compound adjective is spelled as a single word.
'of large scale',[[широк]A[мащаб]N[-ен]]A, the first element 'широк' modifies the second element 'мащаб'; the whole compound denotes a single idea

Yet, when the constituents are in a coordinate relation, the compound adjective is spelled with a hyphen.
'English-Bulgarian',[[английск]A[български]А]A, the constituents are coordinated and together modify the noun 'dictionary'

The identification of ACs in Bulgarian is not problematic as phrases are always spelled as separate words and most ACs have an additional significant marker that keeps the relation between the constituents strong - a linking vowel.
Here are two sentences exemplifying an adjectival phrase and an AC.
  1. Мери има лека зелена чанта.

  2. Мери има светлозелена чанта.

  1. Mary has a light green bag.

  2. Mary has a light-green bag.

'лека зелена' is a free combination of two adjectives, which are spelled separately and each of them modifies the noun 'чанта' separately. Whereas, 'светлозелена' is an AC in which the adverb 'светло' modifies the adjective 'зелена', not the noun 'чанта'