BA Empirische Sprachwissenschaft: Englische Sprachwissenschaft

Short description

English linguistics is a possible area of specialization (“Schwerpunkt”) within the BA Empirische Sprachwissenschaft (started: October 2017, WiSe 17/18).

(click here to download the information poster)


Specialization Englische Sprachwissenschaft/English Linguistics:

Prof. Dr. Manfred Sailer

General information on studying BA Empirische Sprachwissenschaft:

Dr. Maria Kofer
Senckenberganlage 31 (Juridicum)
Raum 913
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon +49 (0)69 798 22877
Fax +49 (0)69 798 22873


Sprechstunde: Dienstags, 12:30 – 14:00 Uhr
außerhalb der Vorlesungszeit: n. Vereinb.


En 1: Grundlagen der englischen Sprachwissenschaft

This is a 2-semester module, only starting in the winter term. The module introduces the main subdisciplines of modern linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics) and leaves room to include other areas according to the interests of the participants and the specializations of the lecturer such as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, historical linguistics, ….

In recent years, the following course requirements were used:

First submodule (winter term):
  • Teilnahmenachweis: online attendance tests, one or two short essays and written exam
Second submodule (summer term):
  • Teilnahmenachweis: online attendance test, short essay, and one or two assignment sheets
  • Modulprüfung: term paper (approx. 10 pages + title page, table of contents, references)

En 2: Survey of English Grammar

This module consists of a singele course. In this course, you will get a good overview of the central phenomena and constructions of English.

En 3: Syntax

This is a two-semester module in which you will learn the basis of a formal, theoretical syntactic analysis of English. The “Modulprüfung” will be a term paper of 8-12 pages in the second semester.

En 4: Semantics

This is a two-semester module in which you will expand the knowledge of semantics that you have gained in your module K6.1. You will participate in two advanced semantics courses offered at the IEAS. The “Modulprüfung” will be a term paper of 8-12 pages in the second semester.

En 5: Vertiefungsmodul

This module consists of two submodules which can be freely chosen among the verious seminars offered at IEAS/Linguistics.

Note that in this module, there is a difference in requirements for Internes Nebenfach and Externes Nebenfach:

  • For Internes Nebenfach (12 CP): just like BA English Studies 3.4 (but no syntax 1 or semantics 1 courses)
  • For Externes Nebenfach (6 CP): just like BA English Studies 3.4.2.

En 6: Selbständige Lektüre

This module (6 CP) allows you to get a deeper knowledge of two chosen areas of linguistics. You should contact one of the lecturers from IEAS/Linguistics to agree on a set of texts. You will write short summaries on these texts and, if you do the Modulprüfung in linguistics, there will be a 30 minute discussion on the texts.

Follow this link for further information on the reading lists.


Information, Links, and more on English and Linguistics