BA English Studies: Linguistics

Short description

Within the BA English Studies (BA ES) you can choose English linguistics as one out of four different specializations. Depending on whether you study BA ES as your  Hauptfach (primary subject) or Nebenfach (secondary subject), you will have three or two areas of specialization.

English linguistics is a good choice if:

  • you are fascinated by grammar and the language system,
  • you want to understand the structure of English at a more abstract level, complementing the practical skills you are acquiring in the Sprachpraxis courses,
  • you are considering an MA program on English linguistics after your BA studies,
  • your other subject of studies has a linguistic focus, such as the BA Empirische Sprachwissenschaft,
  • you want to train your ability to look very closely at language,

Note: The specialization English linguistics is not possible if you are also studying the BA Empirische Sprachwissenschaft with a specialization in English Linguistics.


Linguistics: Prof. Dr. Manfred Sailer

General information on studying BA English Studies:
Dr. Daniel Dornhofer
Raum 4.253 / IGF – Haus
Telefon: 069 / 798-32378


We only list the linguistic modules within BA English Studies. See the general information sites for the modules in other specializations.

Disclaimer: The information given here is intended to give you a general idea. Please consider your Prüfungsordnung and the Modulhandbuch for any official and legally binding information.

BA ES 2.3 Grundlagen der Englischen Sprachwissenschaft/ Introduction to English Linguistics

This is a 2-semester module, only starting in the winter term. The module introduces the main subdisciplines of modern linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics) and leaves room to include other areas according to the interests of the participants and the specializations of the lecturer such as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, historical linguistics, ….

In recent years, the following course requirements were used:

First submodule (winter term):
  • Teilnahmenachweis: online attendance tests
  • Leistungsnachweis: one or two short essays and written exam
Second submodule (summer term):
  • Teilnahmenachweis: online attendance test, short essay, and one or two assignment sheets
  • Modulprüfung: term paper (approx. 10 pages + title page, table of contents, references)

BA ES 3.4 Vertiefungsmodul Englische Sprachwissenschaft

After your 2-semester introduction, you will get insights into various fields of linguistics. Note that there is a strict separtion between the two submodules, the first one corresponds to the traditional Proseminar-level, the second one to the traditional Hauptseminar-level.

For the main research areas of our working group, i.e. syntax and semantics, there is the option of devoting the entire module to one of these areas, i.e. to do Syntax 1 and Syntax 2 – or Semantics 1 and Semantics 2 in this module.

Note: For technical reasons, QIS/LSF cannot indicate whether a course is offered for the first or the second submodule, so both types of courses are listed under BA ES 3.4. Please read the course description carefully and/or ask the lecturer!

First submodule

This submodule typically contains in-depth introductions to individual subfields of linguistics or to methods used in linguistics. The courses focus on getting to know the central content and methods of the respective research areas.

You will do a Teilnahmenachweis and a Leistungsnachweis in this module, which will usually aim at enabling you to apply the analytic methods of the respective subdiciplines.

Second submodule

In this submodule you will look at subdisciplines of linguistics from a more advanced perspective to enable you to critically review recent trends in the field and/or to pursue a well-definied research question.

You will do your Modulprüfung here in the form of a term paper (about 15 pages + title, table of contents, references).

BAL Selbständige Lektüre

This module allows you to get a deeper knowledge of chosen areas of linguistics. You should contact one of the lecturers from IEAS/Linguistics to agree on a set of texts. You will write short summaries on these texts and, if you do the Modulprüfung in linguistics, there will be a 30 minute discussion on the texts.

Follow this link for further information on the reading lists.

PM Extra-curriculare Aktivitäten

You can do linguistic-specific extra-curricular activities within this module. Please contact Manfred Sailerr (linguistics) or Daniel Dornhofer (IEAS general information) to discuss various options.

BA ES 4 Bachelorarbeit, BA Thesis

You will work on your BA thesis for 9 weeks and should write about 50 pages. Contact a lecturer of your choice as soon as possible to agree on a topic and on all further details.



Information, Links, and more on English and Linguistics