General information on studying Lehramt Englisch:
Prof. Dr. Britta Viebrock
Raum 3.157 / IGF-Haus
Tel.: 069 / 798 32518
Dr. Daniel Dornhofer
Raum 4.253 / IGF-Haus
Tel.: 069 / 798-32378
Specific questions about linguistics: Prof. Dr. Manfred Sailer
Current study curricula
There is a new curriculum (starting WiSe 2023/24!)
Please make sure you use the version valid for your program for your course choices. The information on this page reflects the specifications of the 2023-study program, available at:
- General: Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für das Lehramt (SPoL) 2023
- Specification for English:
Note that all L1 courses in the SoSe 2024 can be found under “English (PO 2018)”.
The following information reflects the curriculum as valid since the winter term 2023/24. If you are studying according to an older version of the curriculum, please contact the contact persons(s) given above or your lecturer for details.
Changes to the previous curriculum are marked in boldface.
FW 1.1 Introduction to Linguistics
You will learn about the major subdisciplines of linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics). We will also address typical misconceptions about language that you are likely to be confronted with in your future teaching practice.
All participants do the Teilnahmenachweis, only L1 students do a Leistungsnachweis in this course. In many instances of this course, you will do online attendance tests and write one or two short essays (Teilnahmenachweis) and a written exam (Leistungsnachweis or Modulprüfung).
There are, however, differences with respect to the Modulprüfung, which is a written exam.
- L1-Kurzfach: FW 1K. You have to do this class and you will do the Modulprüfung here.
- L1-Langfach: You will do a Modulteilprüfung in literary studies and in either linguistics or cultural studies.
- L2/L5: You will do a Modulteilprüfung in literary studies and in either linguistics or cultural studies.
- L3: You do a Modulteilprüfung in this course.
- Wirtschaftspädagogik: You do a Modulteilprüfung in this course.
FW 2A.1 or FW 2B.1
(L1-Langfach, L2/L5, L3, and Wirtschaftspädagogik)
In this submodule you will do a linguistic Proseminar. There is typically a choice of courses such as Syntax 1, Semantics 1, or in-depth introductions to other subdisciplines of linguistics. There is also a course Survey of English Grammar, which is particularly designed for Lehramt students.
All participants will do a Teilnahmenachweis, L2/5 and L3 students also need and a Leistungsnachweis. There are, however, some differences with respect to the other course requirements:
- L1-Langfach: You can do the Modulprüfung in this course or in the other submodule of FW 2 that you have signed up for. Typically, the Modulprüfung is a 90-minute written exam (2 CP). Depending on the course, it can also be a short term paper (2 CP, 9-11 pages).
- L2/L5: You can do the Modulprüfung in this course or in the other submodule of FW 2 that you have signed up for. Typically, the Modulprüfung is a 90-minute written exam (2 CP). Depending on the course, it can also be a short term paper (2 CP, 9-11 pages).
- L3: You can do the Modulprüfung in this course or in one of the other two submodules of FW 2. The Modulprüfung can be a Große Hausarbeit (4 CP, 14-16 pages) or a 90-minute written exam (4 CP).
Often, the linguistic courses in this module are not well suited for a long term paper, and it is very hard to design a written exam that would require 120h of preparation. Talk to your lecturer early on in the term to find out what is possible in the particular course you are taking. - WiPäd:
New (since SoSe 2019): You must do a Leistungsnachweis (3CP) AND (part of your) Modulprüfung. The Modulprüfung is a short term paper (9-11 pages) for which you will get 1 CP.
Old: There might be special Teilnahme requirements as you get 3 CP.You can do the Modulprüfung in this course or in the other submodule of FW 2 that you have signed up for. Typically, the Modulprüfung is a 90-minute written exam (2 CP). Depending on the course, it can also be a short term paper (2 CP, 9-11 pages).
FW 3.1
(only L3)
You will look at subdisciplines of linguistics from a more advanced perspective to enable you to critically review recent trends in the field and/or to pursue a well-defined research question.
This submodule is at the level of a traditional Hauptseminar. You will do a Leistungsnachweis in this course. You can do a Modulprüfung in addition, which would be a long term paper (4 CP, 14-16 pages).
FW 4.2
(only L3)
You can deepen your understanding of linguistics in this submodule. From the spirit of the overall module (“Expanded cultural studies”), it is most natural to take a class with a focus on the relation between language and extra-linguistic factors (so, for example historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, bilingualism, …)
This submodule is at the level of a traditional Hauptseminar. You will do a Leistungsnachweis. You can write a long term paper (4 CP, 14-16 pages) as the Modulprüfung in this submodule or in the other submodule of FW 4 (cultural studies).
- Kleine Hausarbeit 1 CP: 4-6 pages (1,800 characters per page)
- Kleine Hausarbeit 2 CP: 9-11 pages
- Große Hausarbeit 3 CP: 12-14 pages
- Große Hausarbeit 4 CP: 14-16 pages
You can do parts of your final Staatsexamen exams in linguistics.
Wissenschaftliche Hausarbeit (WHA)
You will work on your wissenschaftliche Hausarbeit for 12 weeks.
Please contact a lecturer to talk about possible topics and particular requirements for your Staatsexamen thesis.
The Fachklausur is a four-hour written exam. Our lecturers offer a wide variety of possible topics, though each one has her or his own special areas. Please contact the lecturer of your choice to agree on topics for the final exam and the exact format of the questions.
Mündliche Staatsexamensprüfung
The linguistics part of the oral exam is 30 minutes long. Our lecturers offer a wide variety of possible topics, though each one has their own special areas. Please contact the lecturer of your choice to agree on topics.