Today is International Mother Language Day!
A great opportunity to celebrate linguistic diversity, to support projects to explore and protect endangered languages, to find out about language minorities and linguistic diversity in your own country!
Here is a list of holidays and special dates with relation to language and linguistics. This list will hopefully expand in the near future and we will add more information to the indicated events. Continue reading Linguistic calendar →
Many members of the English linguistics team of the IEAS will participate in two events in Paris at the end of March which will be integrated in a meeting of the network on “One-to-many Correspondences”:
- The 4th European Workshop on HPSG, Paris, 24-25 March 2017
- Constraint-based Syntax and Semantics in honnor of Danièle Godard, Paris, 27 March 2017.
The workshop on the first two day includes presentations by various Frankfurt participants in the “One-to-many” network:
- Andy Lücking (computer science) Can co-verbal gestures tell us something about grammar? Some Examples
- Philippa Cook (IEAS): Presentational there-insertion in English
- Manfred Sailer (IEAS): The multi-dimensional semantics of kinegrams
- Frank Richter & David Lahm (IEAS): Every linguist proposed a different account
The European Worshop on HPSG has been an (almost) annual event, alternating between Frankfurt/Main (2012 & 2015) and Paris (2014).
During 2017 and 2018, there will be a series of mutual visits between our department and the Laborartoire de linguistics formelle in Paris. The overreaching topic of this co-operation is “One-to-many correspondences in morphology, syntax and semantics”.
The Frankfurt part of the co-operation is supported by the DAAD program Programme des projektbezogenen Personenaustauschs. The co-operation builds on research contacts that have been developing over the last few years, which have let, for example, to establishing the European Workshops on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar.
We will inform on the progress of this co-operation on this blog. Here is a summary of the main ideas of the project.
Summary of the project
Continue reading Paris-Frankfurt Cooperation on “One-to-Many Correspondences” →
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