On Monday 16th – Tuesday 17th November 2015 we will be hosting an HPSG workshop here at the IEAS in Frankfurt
<Auf nach Frankfurt !>
This is an informal meeting (no abstracts, no selection) bringing togther people from across Europe who are interested in HPSG. We are following on from the tradition of previous workshops held in Paris (2014) and Frankfurt (2013). Anyone is welcome to attend and there is no registration and no fee. Continue reading < Auf nach Frankfurt !> European HPSG workshop 16-17th November 2015 →
At the beginning of October Assif Am-David visited the Ferring Foundation on the North Sea island of Föhr. The visit aimed at promoting joined research on the Germanic minority language Northern Frisian spoken in Schleswig-Holstein. Northern Frisian is a recognised minority language in Germany and one of three Frisian languages. These languages are more closely related to English than German. The institute promotes the language by devising educational material, facilitating research, collecting and documenting materials in its library and archive as well as running a regional radio station. The language is still vital.
One of the peculiarities of Northern Frisian is its use of three distinct definite articles, each with its own paradigm. This should be the focus of the future scientific cooperation.
On October 8th Frank Richter gave a talk on the use of text corpora in linguistics at the MedienBildungsmesse 2015. Here are the slides to the talk (in German).
Information, Links, and more on English and Linguistics