March 19 & 20, Sascha Bargmann and Manfred Sailer attended the 4th General meeting of the network Parsing and Multiword Expressions (PARSEME).
Participants of the 4th General Meeting of PARSEME, Malta, March 19&20, 2015. (source:
Dianne Jonas is in Australia, with presentations on the morphosyntax of Norf’k, an English-Tahitian contact variety from Norfolk Island. Talks take place at MONASH University and at The University of Melbourne.
The severe destructions by Tropical Cyclone Pam in March 2015 have put the state Vanuatu on the media headlines. Vanuatu is a fascinating country, also from a linguistic perspective: It has the highest number of languages per inhabitant and it is one of the few states that have a creole language among its official languages. Continue reading Vanuatu: A Linguistic Hotspot→
Sascha Bargmann presented joint work with Manfred Sailer on the Syntactic Flexibility of Non-decomposable Idioms during the 16th Szklarska Poreba Workshop, February 20-23, 2015.
Szklarska Poreba in winter (Photo: Sascha Bargmann, BY-NC-ND 3.0)