LangSci Series: Phraseology and Multiword Expressions

The open access publisher Language Science Press has just announced a new series, Phraseology and Multiword Expressions (PMWE). This series grew out of the activities of the COST Action Parseme, in which several members of our IEAS group have participated.

The series will publish monographs and edited volumes relating to  computational, formal, and/or grammar-theoretical approaches to all types of phraseological units/multiword expressions. 

If you have questions relating to this series, please contact Manfred or



Rizea, Iordachioăia & Richter on Romanian Negative Polarity Items

Monica-Mihaela Rizea, Gianina Iordachioăia & Frank Richter have cooperated on Romanian Negative Polarity items since Monica’s visit in Frankfurt in April 2016. As a result of this cooperation, they had joint posters at the Parseme meeting in Dubrovnik (September 2016) and the figurative language workshop in Tübingen (December 2016). They also had a joint paper presentation at the 12 International Conference “Linguistic Resources and Tools for Processing the Romanian Language”, Mălini, 27-29 October 2016. The proceedings of this conference are available online and contain their paper.

Monica presenting in Tübingen, December 2016. (Photo: M. Sailer, BY-NC-ND 3.0)

One of the aims of this cooperation is an update of the Romanian part of the Collection of Distributionally Idiosyncratic Items (CoDII), which was initiated by Frank and Gianina and which is now being updated by Monica.


Continue reading Rizea, Iordachioăia & Richter on Romanian Negative Polarity Items

Sailer talks on kinegrams

Castle Hohentübingen, December 2016 (Photo: M. Sailer, BY-NC-ND 3.0)

Manfred Sailer gave an invited talk at the workshop “Recent Trends in Figurative Language Research”, Tübingen, December 8&9. The workshop brought together researchers from theoretical linguistics, applied linguistics, psycholinguistics, psychology, first and second language acquisition research, medicine, and computational linguistics.

Manfred’s presented new research on a “Multi-dimensional Continue reading Sailer talks on kinegrams