At IEAS/Linguistics we host a number of linguistic resources. This page serves as quick access point.
Collection of Distributionally Idiosyncratic Items
The Collection of Distributionally Idiosyncratic Items (CoDII) is a linguistic resource on lexical items which have highly idiosyncratic occurrence patterns.
The TRALE Homepage
Resources around the grammar inplementation platform TRALE
Tübingen HPSG pages
Legacy overview of HPSG activities in Tübingen which bundles information on various HPSG-related Tübingen projects.
Archive of projects B4 and B8 of former SFB 340
Material from two HPSG-related projects of the Stuttgart/Tübingen SFB 340 (late 1990s).
Project A5 of former SFB 441
This Tübingen SFB project on distributionally idiosyncratic elements in general and polarity items in particular (2002-2008) was a precursor to current research projects at IEAS.
Modul A4, Grammar Formalisms and Parsing, of MiLCA
In cooperation with various partners at other universities, this Tübingen project improved the TRALE grammar development environment and produced a textbook on grammar writing in TRALE (2001-2003).
Two Tübingen projects involving HPSG and related grammar theory and grammar development efforts around the year 2000 featuring doctoral students, workshops and summer schools.