We are happy to announce that PD Dr. Heiko Motschenbacher will offer a Hauptseminar on Research Methods in Linguistics in the summer term 2016.
The class will meet Thursday, 4-6pm, in Seminarhaus SH 4.101
If you want to enrol for this class, please send a message to motschenbacher_AT_em.uni-frankfurt.de by April 10. Continue reading New Hauptseminar “Research Methods in Linguistics” →
Janina Radó visited the Linguistics Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences from March 3rd through March 5th. On the first day, she and Oliver Bott from Universität Tübingen talked on Experimental evidence against underspecified representations of quantifier scope, followed by a two-day course on Experimental investigations into quantifier scope at Pázmány University Budapest.
Application closed!
Das Project Constraint-based analysis of relative clauses in English and German der Forschergruppe Relativesätze sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine
studentische Hilfskraft
Continue reading Studentische Hilfskraft für Projekt CON gesucht! →
Many tests of semantic properties that linguists use in their everyday life rely on reasoning. For example, if you know that all space aliens love chocolate, and you learn that Mary is a space alien, then you also know that Mary loves chocolate. This does not only tell you something important about space aliens, on closer inspection and after some serious linguistic analyzing it also reveals certain properties of the meaning of the determiner all. Continue reading Paper on Automatic Reasoning →
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