Goethe University celebrated its centennial anniversary with fireworks over Poelzig-Bau last Saturday. Here are four minutes (out of 15), posted on youtube:
We are delighted to announce the addition of a dedicated Oberseminar page to our website: You might already have spotted the new menu item Oberseminar WiSe 2014/15 in the header area of this blog. The new page will keep you updated on the topics of our weekly Oberseminar on Monday, 16:15–17:45, in IG 3.201.
This week Frank is visiting Gerald Penn at the University of Toronto in Canada on a grant from the International Office. We are investigating possibilities to establish a collaboration on research questions that are of interest to the computational linguistics group in Toronto and to the linguists at the IEAS.
lingvo.info is a website in 18+ languages that contains information on (at least) the official languages of the European Union.
The purpose of the web site is to promote multilingualism and an awareness for linguistic diversity. The information on the web site is carefully researched and presented in an easily accessible way. It also includes a huge number of links to other language-related sites.
Information, Links, and more on English and Linguistics