This year’s annual meeting of the German Lingusitic Society (DGfS) hosted a workshop on One-to-many relations in morphology, syntax, and semantics, organized by Berthold Crysmann (Paris). The workshop comprised a number of presentations by members of the IEAS-LLF network One-to-Many (2017 & 2018). Continue reading One-to-Many Workshop at DGfS 2018
Monthly Archives: March 2018
Bargmann, Gehrke & Richter on “How to modify idioms”
Sascha Bargmann, Berit Gehrke (LLF, Paris) & Frank Richter had a joint presentation during the 19th Szklarska Poreba Workshop (February, 23-26). Sascha and Berit attended the meeting and gave a talk on “How to modify idioms”.
The talk is based on joint research initiated within the DAAD-ANR-funded networking program One-to-many correspondendences in morphology, syntax, and semantics.
Continue reading Bargmann, Gehrke & Richter on “How to modify idioms”
Tilman Höhle’s Gesammelte Schriften
Earlier this week the open access publisher Language Science Press published a complete collection of papers by Tilman Höhle, edited by Stefan Müller, Marga Reis and Frank Richter. Tilman Höhle wrote a significant number of highly influential papers on German grammar (and on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar) from the early 80s until the beginning of the millenium. Among the topics covered are Continue reading Tilman Höhle’s Gesammelte Schriften
Summer term 2018: Introduction to Linguistics (Lehramt)
Unfortunately, not all linguistics courses in FW 1 for the Lehramt prorgrams are visible in QIS/LSF. Here is an overview of the courses:
Course title: Introduction to Linguistics (Lehramt)
Module: FW1
Study programs: L1, L2, L3, L5, MA WiPäd Englisch
- Monday, 10-12, NG 2.371 (Frank Richter)
- Monday, 12-14, CAS 1.812 (Manfred Sailer)
- Monday, 14-16, SH 1.108 (Sascha Bargmann)
- Tuesday, 12-14, SH 1.106 (Frank Richter)
Zepter, Bündgens-Kosten & Sailer on Conlangs at the DGfS Lehrerinformationstag
One day before the start of the annual conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), the society’s Lehramtsinitiative organized its traditional information day for teachers. This year’s topic was Welche Grammatik braucht die Schule? (What kind of grammar is needed for school?). The event included a 2-hour working group on conlanging under the title Kreative Grammatikreflexion: Sprachen erfinden im Grammatikunterricht. This working group was organized by Alexandra Zepter (Cologne), Judith Bündgens-Kosten (Frankfurt) and Manfred Sailer (Frankfurt).
Continue reading Zepter, Bündgens-Kosten & Sailer on Conlangs at the DGfS Lehrerinformationstag