DD@EL: Call for Papers


REsearch in English Linguistics
(REEL Day 2019)
Digital data in English linguistics:
Lexical and functional uses of verbs


Mainz, 16.2.2019, 9am – 6pm

Organizers: Ulrike Schneider (Mainz) & Manfred Sailer (Frankfurt)

Keynote: Bas Aarts (UCL)

Webpage: https://www.english-linguistics.de/digital-data-in-english-linguistics-2019/

We would like to invite students (BA, MA, Lehramt) from Goethe University to submit proposals for posters and/or short presentations (20 minutes + 10 minutes discussion) to the first joint Mainz-Frankfurt student workshop on Digital Data in English Linguistics.

The main topic of the workshop will be discussions of lexical and functional uses of verbs, but other corpus-based studies on English are welcome as well, in particular as posters. Submissions should be based on insights from corpus data and illustrate their relevance for a research question. The research should primarily focus on English data, though comparison with other languages is possible.

Abstracts should fomulate a clear research question, describe the empirical basis and state the applied method, the results, or problems encountered.

So, don’t hesitate to make a submission based on a term paper, a BA thesis, etc!

Submission details

  • Abstract format: max. 2 pages, including references and figures
  • Online submition of a pdf file to sailer@em.uni-frankfurt.de (Manfred Sailer). Include “REEL Day 19” in your subject line.

Important dates

  • First call for papers: 22.11.2018
  • Abstract writing tutorial: 18.12.2018, 10-12, IG 3.214
  • Deadline: Jan 22, 2019
  • Notification: Feb 1, 2019
  • REEL Day: Feb 16, 2019


The workshop is supported by Gutenberg Lehrkolleg (Mainz) and the Förderfonds Lehre (Frankfurt).

Students interested in submitting an abstract can participate in the Förderfonds project’s academic license for the BYU corpus interface.

Financial support for the production of posters is available.

There will be an abstract writing tutorial December 18, 10-12, IG 3.214.

For further information, questions, or help with writing your abstract, please contact: Manfred Sailer (sailer@em.uni-frankfurt.de)

Information, Links, and more on English and Linguistics