Draft of November 1, 2020
Here are some proposed rules for online course meetings, based on the experience from the last semester.
(adapted from: https://www.wiwi.uni-muenster.de/fakultaet/sites/fakultaet/files/sbe_zoomiquette.pdf, 1.11.2020)
Before the meeting
- Prepare the technical set-up.
- Wired connection is preferable to avoid streaming lags
- Turn off possibly distracting notifications
- Use headphones to avoid echos or feedback
- Check that your mic and camera are working
- Make yourself comfortable
- Choose a quiet place
- Do not sit next to another attendee to avoid feedback
- Make sure that the camera is facing you head-on
- Check the background – it will be shown in your video
- Check Olat
- Make sure that you have the Zoom meeting-ID and password at hand
- Check for slides in case they are available beforehand
- If available study the description of the upcoming session (some sessions might require online group work others just ask you to listen in)
- Prepare yourself for notetaking in order to facilitate post-preparation
- Go to the meeting a little early to ensure everything is working fine.
- Prepare the technical set-up.
During the meeting:
- Things to do:
- choose a proper name, preferably your real name. Always choose the same name!
- leave your video turned on if possible
- turn off notifications on your mobile or laptop
- always mute yourself unless you are actively speaking
- be at least as considerate and respectful to your course-mates and lecturer as you would be in a real-life meeting
- raise your hand via “Manage Participants” if you’d like to speak
- consider using the chat to ask questions
- use every possible way to participate actively in class!
- Things to avoid:
- overspeak over anyone
- disturb the meeting by using the chat excessively
- eat while in a meeting
- try to multitask
- moving around while on video
- logging-in simultaneously on different devices at the same time
- Recording policy
- Do not record sessions in any way by yourself. All slides will be uploaded, there is no need for taking screenshots!
- The lecturer will inform you on time should a recording be made.
After the meeting
- Use about 15 min to:
- complete your notes
- save all material in an appropriate place
- make sure to remember the tasks for the next meeting
- Send feedback to the lecturer if there were problems or you felt uncomfortable.
- About 1 day after class: Remind the lecturer to upload the slides