EW-HPSG 2018: Practical Information


Here are directions from the station (Hauptbahnhof) to the University, with the route on foot from the U-Bahn station Holzhausenstrasse to the University shown as well (5 mins walk)

You can get a campus plan here

 To help our planning, if you intend to come along, please let Manfred Sailer know by e-mail using sailer@em.uni-frankfurt.de. Please state if you will just attend or if you will also join us for the warm up and/or for dinner.


We do not have special rates at any of the following hotels, but they have been used by visitors before and we have received good feedback. You may find a better-suited hotel using your favorite booking page.


to be added soon


  • All presentations will be 35min + 10min for discussion.
  • The workshop rooms are equipped with a projector.
  • If you want to make handouts, please bring along about 25 copies. There is an efficient copy shop near campus: Script & Kopie (https://www.copyshop-frankfurt.de/)


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