Timetable for the Oberseminar (16:15-17:45, in IG 3.201)
For any questions concerning this semester’s Oberseminar, please contact Frank Richter. For calendars, scroll to the bottom of the page.
Date | Speaker | Topic |
9.4. | Frank Richter | Semesterplanung |
16.4. | Frank Richter | Tilman N. Höhle: Traces and lexical rules in HPSG: Chapter 14, 15 (Section 1) and 16 from Gesammelte Schriften |
23.4. | Frank Richter |
Höhle continued |
30.4. | Niko Schenk | Retrieving Implicit Information from Text (abstract) |
7.5. | staff | Curricular planning (finalizing WiSe 18/19, organizing SoSe 19) |
14.5. | Gert Webelhuth, Olivier Bonami (Paris) | Periphrasis and morphosyntactic mismatch in Czech (abstract) |
28.5. | Doug Arnold (Essex), Sascha Bargmann, Manfred Sailer | Update constraints on idioms in non-restrictive relative clauses |
4.6. | Frank Richter | We want more: CLLRS |
11.6. | Frank Richter | Too much is not enough: CLLRS |
18.6. | Frank Richter, Manfred Sailer | Negative conjuncts and negative concord across the board |
25.6. | Jamie Findlay (Oxford) | How (not) to analyse multiword expressions (abstract) |
2.7. | Wolfgang Maier | Speech systems in cars |
9.7. | staff | Semesterausklang |