Oberseminar WiSe 2015/16

Timetable for the Oberseminar (16:15–17:45, in IG 3.201)

Date Speaker Topic
12.10. Gert Webelhuth Semesterplanung
19.10. Sascha Bargmann (i) Syntactically Flexible VP-Idioms and the N-after-N Construction

(ii) Data Challenging the Raising Analyses of Relative Clauses

26.10. Josef Ruppenhofer Exploring a Role-based Approach To Polarity Sensitive Items
2.11. Joachim Jacobs Hauptsatzphänomene im Deutschen
16.11. HPSG Workshop Programme and information here

Everyone is welcome to attend,

23.11. All Staff Curriculum Planning for SS 2016
30.11. Louise McNally and Manfred Sailer Open discussion on “concept composition” in Lexical Resource Semantics
7.12. Assif am David and Manfred Sailer Determined reference as a meaning component in definites
14.12. Santa Claus Christmas Party
11.1. Britta Mondorf Non-referential ‘it’ and (de-)transitivization
18.1. Pia Gerhard tba
25.1. Sam Featherston tba
1.2. Dianne Jonas Main clause phenomena in adverbial clauses – the view from Scandinavian
8.2. Janina Radó tba

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