Recent Trends in Linguistic Research WiSe 2018/19

Timetable for “Recent Trends in Linguistic Research”

Winter Term 2018/19 (Tue 14:15-15:45, in IG 0.251)

Coordination: Katharina Hartmann & Manfred Sailer

Date Speaker Topic
16.10. Xavier Villalba (Barcelona) Infinitive wh-relatives in Romance and syncretism at the left periphery
23.10. a. Heidi Klockmann


b. Johannes Mursell

a. On periphrastic expressions of genericity: English ‘kind’, Dutch ‘soort’, and Polish ‘rodzaj’

b. Bundling φ- and δ-features: The impact of information structure on Agreement

30.10. Gereon Müller (Leipzig) How to account for conflicting structure assignments in syntax
6.11. Jovana Gajić (Göttingen) On the underlying structure of negative coordination and its (non-)at-issue content
13.11.   internal meeting
20.11. Berthold Crysmann & Alain Kihm (Paris) Apparent reversal in Old French declension
27.11. Dianne Jonas Thinking comparatively and diachronically. A comparative case study
4.12. Monica Rizea (Bucharest) & Manfred Sailer Intensifier readings of result clauses containing emphatic NPIs in Romanian
11.12. a. Zheng Shen

b. Katharina Hartmann

What we can learn from Multi-valuation

Coordination and Verbal Morphology in Dagbani

18.12.   internal meeting
15.1. Anja Latrouite (Düsseldorf) Specificational predication and cleft-constructions
22.1. a. Cecilia Poletto


b. Volker Struckmeier (Bochum)

a. Are Italian left focalization AND cleft sentences monoclausal structures? A syntax-prosody interface approach

b. Discourse functions and PF factors control ellipsis formation

29.1. Bader, Portele & Schäfer From word order to interpretation – effects of referential form on language production and comprehension
5.2. a. Frank Kügler

b. Nicolas Lamoure

a. Aspects of prosodic phrasing of pronouns in German

b. Binding in DP coordination

12.2.   internal meeting

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