In this talk, I will present two tests on quantifier scope in Turkish with the aim of contributing to discovering the nature of post-verbal constituents in Turkish. Although leftward scrambling of constituents has widely been discussed and rightward movement has not received as much attention in the literature, there are some studies that focus on rightward movement. As has been studied for Turkish before, although the unmarked position for these constituents is pre-verbal position, any one constituent as well as more than one constituent in Turkish can appear to the right of the verb. Post-verbal constituents are problematic in nature in that the exact position they occupy in the post-verbal area and whether they are derived via movement or they are base-generated in that area has been a matter of discussion. One view assumes that all constituents appearing to the right of the verb are derived via movement and another one assumes all the constituents appearing to the right of the verb are actually base-generated there. Thus, this study investigates whether tests on quantifier scope data can shed light on the position of post-verbal constituents in Turkish. More specifically, two tests that have been prepared based on the informational structural features of constituents will be discussed.