New Hauptseminar “Research Methods in Linguistics”

We are happy to announce that PD Dr. Heiko Motschenbacher will  offer a Hauptseminar on Research Methods in Linguistics in the summer term 2016.

The class will meet Thursday, 4-6pm, in Seminarhaus SH 4.101

If you want to enrol for this class, please send a message to by April 10.

Course description: This course provides an overview of the methods researchers can draw on when studying language. Central issues to be discussed include the various types of data collection, data processing and data analysis. The major focus lies on non-experimental methods that linguists commonly use to investigate language in use such as corpus linguistics, ethnographic approaches and discourse analysis.

Basic literature: Podesva, Robert J.; Sharma, Devyani (eds). 2013. Research Methods in Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Click on the following links for information on the Hauptseminars in the summer term: