The concluding workshop of the Research Unit “Relative Clauses” took place May 4-6, in the Casino building of Goethe-University.
IEAS linguistics is part of this unit through the project CON, Constraint-based Analysis of Relative Clauses in English and German. This project is done in co-operation with Anke Holler, Seminar für Deutsche Philologie, Göttingen.

Representing the project CON, Sascha Bargmann and Manfred Sailer gave a talk on Idioms in Nonrestrictive Relative Clauses. There was also a poster session. One of the posters documented a joint experiment that NRR and CON prepared together a few months ago. CON had invited Doug Arnold to the workshop. He gave a talk on “Mismatch Relatives”.
Overall, the workshop was well attended, mainly by the guest speakers proposed by the individual projects, by the official DFG reviewers, and the Frankfurt members of the research unit.