Jamie Findlay in Frankfurt!

Findlay in Frankfurt, June 2018 (photo: M. Sailer, BY-NC-ND 3.0)

Jamie Findlay (Oxford) spent a research visit at the IEAS from June 18 to July 5. During his visit, Jamie was working with Sascha Bargmann and Manfred Sailer on recent developments in formal approaches to the analysis of idiomatic expressions. He also discussed this topic in his talk “How (not) to analyse multiword expressions” (June 25, 4.15-5.45 pm, IG 3.201).

Some of the results of Jamie’s very productive stay in Frankfurt will be presented at the workshop on Form-Meaning Mismatches, Göttingen, August 3&4. In their talk on “Pulling a pretence rabbit out of the hat”, Jamie, Sascha, and Manfred will discuss so-called extended uses of idioms as in (1).

(1) The CEO pulled a rabbit out of the hat, but it left droppings everywhere.

June 27, Timm Lichte (Düsseldorf) joined the discussion and presented recent developments in the analysis of idioms in Tree Adjoining Grammar.

Jamie’s research interests include syntax, semantics, grammatical theory and the syntax-semantics interface (especially Lexical Functional Grammar and Glue Semantics), philosophy of language, (critical) discourse analysis, language & gender, and language & sexuality.
