Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer presented recent developments on Lexical Resource Semantics (LRS) at the Symposium on Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics (LACompLing) 2018.
Frank gave an overview of the current state of the LRS implementation and its general perspectives for computational semantics. Manfred tried to give a linguistic motivation for the basic concepts of LRS.
- LACompLing 2018 web site: http://staff.math.su.se/rloukanova/LACompLing2018-web/
- LaCompLing 2018 proceedings: http://su.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1250462&dswid=3412
- Slides to Frank’s talk: Computational Semantics: Representations and Reasoning
- Slides to Manfred’s talk: Constraint-based underspecified semantic combinatorics
- LRS wiki: https://www.lexical-resource-semantics.de/wiki/index.php/Main_Page