Timetable for Oberseminar Syntax and Semantics, WiSe 2022/23
All meetings take place Monday, 16:15-17:45, in SH 5.105 and on Zoom. Please contact Frank Richter for access information to the meetings. Members of the OLAT group of the seminar will receive the link in email.
Date | Speaker | Topic |
17.10. | Frank Richter | Welcome meeting, semester planning |
24.10. | Mingya Liu | Register effects in the usage of NC vs. NPI in English |
31.10. | Frank Niu | Chinese quantifier scope, concord, and Lexical Resource Semantics |
7.11. | Pascal Hohmann | Modal scope interaction in Lexical Resource Semantics |
14.11. | Frank Richter | Curricular planning (finalizing SoSe 23, organizing WiSe 23/24) |
21.11. | Louise McNally | Change of state: From the BECOME operator to “real” event structures |
28.11. | Antonio Machicao y Priemer | Agreement and register-driven variation in Brazilian Portuguese |
5.12. | Frank Richter | News from Levine, Richter & Sailer (ms) |
12.12. | Manfred Sailer | NPI licensing in enriched semantic representations (slides) |
19.12. | Santa | Christmas party |
9.1. | Niko Schenk, Nicholas Gow | NIO’s NOMI – World’s first in-vehicle Artificial Intelligence |
16.1. | Carla Spellerberg | The impact of non-syntactic factors on Principle C in German |
23.1. | Gerald Penn | Constraint resolution in CLLRS (slides) |
30.1. | Gert Webelhuth | Searching the Gigaword and Tueppdz-Korpora at the University of Frankfurt |
6.2. | Jana Jordan | The impact of information structure on German scrambling |