As announced earlier, Goethe-University Frankfurt will host a symposium for Emmon Bach. The event is organized by Gert Webelhuth, Jim Blevins, and Joyce McDonough and will be held in Frankfurt on June 20-21 in IG-Farben Haus, Eisenhower Room.
The general public is invited to participate in the symposium (at no cost). For local planning purposes, we request that you write to Gert Webelhuth at to let us know that you intend to participate in “EmmonFest”.
Preliminary Program
20 June 2014
9:30-10:00 COFFEE
10:00–10:30 Gert Webelhuth & Jim Blevins: Institutional welcome and introductory remarks
10:30–11:30 Emmon Bach: ‘My relationship with the German language’
11:30–11:45 COFFEE BREAK
11:45–12:30 Mary Dalrymple: Nominal, pronominal, and verbal number in Balinese
12:30–15:00 LUNCH & CAMPUS TOUR
15:00–15:45 Mark Steedman: ‘Generalized Categorial Grammars’
15:45–16:00 COFFEE BREAK
16:00–16:45 Polly Jacobson: ‘Remarks on coordination – or – Why I love categorial grammar’
16:45–18:00 Free Slot
19:30 DINNER
21 June 2014
9:30-10:00 COFFEE
10:00–10:45 Jim Blevins: ‘Building bridges from two sides of the river’
10:45-11:30 Joyce McDonough: ‘The Dene Verb, bizaad na?ni?sh’i?i?h’
11:30–11:45 COFFEE BREAK
11:45–12:30 Fred Landmann: Homogeneity and the metaphysics of mass nouns
12:30–14:00 LUNCH
14:00–15:00 Discusion of Emmon’s ‘lesser-known’ contributions
15:00–15:45 Ede Zimmermann: ‘Varieties of compositionality’
15:45–16:00 COFFEE BREAK
16:00–16:45 Greg Carlson: ‘Emmon must be around here somewhere’
16:45–18:00 Free Slot
The preliminary program can be downloaded as a pdf file.