Last term Dr. Assif Am-David took part at the Writing Fellow Programme of the university writing centre (Schreibzentrum), a pilot that was first introduced at the Goethe University. This involved 7 courses university wide across all disciplines. As a part of this programme a writing fellow, who is a specialised writing tutor (Viola Goldschmidt, herself a theology student), was attached to his proseminar “Introduction to historical linguistics”. The course involved a high share of written assignments including two essays and the usual term paper.
Unlike other courses involving written assignments, a substantial part of this course was dedicated to writing techniques, which were then practised in the essays. The writing of the term paper was also closely accompanied by both the writing fellow and the lecturer.
Now that most term papers have been handed in and evaluated the project is officially over and can be crowned with success. The term papers generally showed clear improvement in the writing skills of the students compared with the beginning of the course. The participation in this programme, that keeps running at the university, is hence most recommended for both students and university faculty. The university writing centre (Schreibzentrum) also offers writing skills courses and individual advising. A similar offer exists at the IEAS department, the English Writing Center.
Further links:
- Schreibzentrum:
- Writing Fellows programme:
- Writing Center: