We are happy to announce an invited talk by
Carla Parra Escartín
How good shall it be?
Establishing Machine Translation quality thresholds to boost professional translators’ productivity
in the Oberseminar English Linguistics, Monday, May 30, 4-6pm, room IG 3.201.

Machine Translation (MT) has become a reality in the translation industry. Over the past few years, translators have experienced the introduction of Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE) tasks in their workflows, and are constantly asked for discounts for MTPE tasks. However, the question of whether MT output has a positive impact in productivity is still open.
In this talk, I will first present how professional translators work and how MT is introduced in real production workflows. Then, I will present an experiment involving 10 professional translators in which we measured their productivity when translating from scratch, post-editing Translation Memory fuzzy matches and post-editing Machine Translation output. I will discuss the results of our experiment, and the productivity thresholds that we identified.
Short bio:
Carla Parra Escartín obtained her PhD in Computational Linguistics at the University of Bergen and is currently a post-doctoral researcher at Hermes Traducciones y Servicios Lingüísticos, a Spanish translation company. She works as Experienced Researcher within the EXPERT ITN.
To see her work within the EXPERT project, visit: http://expert-itn.eu/?q=ER2 or visit her personal website at: https://sites.google.com/site/carlaparraescartin/