Category Archives: Job ads

Studentische Hilfskraft gesucht!

Note: The position has been filled!

Im Rahmen des Projekts Linguistic Dimensions of Sexual Normativity (LIDISNO) (Institut für England- und Amerikastudien, Abteilung Linguistik) wird folgende Hilfskraftstelle ausgeschrieben:

Studentische Hilfskraft mit BA-Abschluss (30h/Monat, für drei Monate: April bis Juni 2020)


Aufgaben liegen im Wesentlichen im Bereich der Korpusdatensammlung und -aufarbeitung (Automatische Texterkennung, Korrekturlesen, Texteditieren, Datenkonvertierung, Scannen), daneben mitunter kleinere Recherchen und Bibliotheksgänge.


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1 Postdoc or 2 doctoral positions at IEAS/Linguistics

Application closed!

The following job ad for either 1 postdoc or 2 doctoral positions has appeared on linguistlist.


The Linguistics section in the Department of English and American Studies (part of the College of Modern Philologies) of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main (Germany) has an opening for either one full postdoctoral or two halftime Ph.D. positions as Wissenschafterliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (E13 TV-G-U). The position(s) start(s) on September 1, 2014 and is/are initially restricted to a duration of 3 years.

Continue reading 1 Postdoc or 2 doctoral positions at IEAS/Linguistics

Graduate School “Nominal Modification”

Application closed!

Starting October 1, 2014, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, offers full funding for 12 graduate students who aim for a PhD in the domain of nominal modification. These 12 PhD positions will be part of the newly approved graduate program “Nominal Modification“, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

Application for the program is open till June 30.

Find more information on the program and the application requirements on the graduate school’s website.