1 Postdoc or 2 doctoral positions at IEAS/Linguistics

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The following job ad for either 1 postdoc or 2 doctoral positions has appeared on linguistlist.


The Linguistics section in the Department of English and American Studies (part of the College of Modern Philologies) of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main (Germany) has an opening for either one full postdoctoral or two halftime Ph.D. positions as Wissenschafterliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (E13 TV-G-U). The position(s) start(s) on September 1, 2014 and is/are initially restricted to a duration of 3 years.

Continue reading 1 Postdoc or 2 doctoral positions at IEAS/Linguistics

Am-David: “A Semantic Typology of Definiteness”

Assif Am-David published a monograph based on his dissertation “A semantic typology of definiteness”. This book explores the crosslinguistic distributional patterns of definiteness markers. A distinction is drawn between semantic definiteness and morpho-syntactic definiteness marking. The semantic components of definiteness are arranged, similar to semantic maps, and language-specifically assigned to definiteness markers. This model is based on the results of an empirical study of Q’ekchi’, Otomi, Maori and Basque. The choice of a suitable sample for a typological study is also discussed.

Bibliographic information:

Am-David, Assif (2014): A Semantic Typology of Definiteness. Lampert Academic Publishing.

The book can be purchased at:

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