Category Archives: Conferences

Student workshop “Research in English Linguistics”

The third instantiation of the student workshop REsearch in English Linguistics (REEL Day 2021) will take place online Saturday, February 13, 1:00-3:30pm.

The workshop is based on a cooperation between the working group English Linguistics of Gutenberg University Mainz and the IEAS working group linguistics. Students from Mainz and Frankfurt will Continue reading Student workshop “Research in English Linguistics”

4th REEL Day, Feb. 15

REEL Day 2020The 4th student conference on “REsearch in English Linguistics” (REEL-Day) took place February 15 at Goethe Univesity. It is a continuation of a teaching cooperation between the Department of English Linguistics, Mainz, and IEAS/Linguistics, Frankfurt, which started last year. This year, Ulrike Schneider (Mainz) and Manfred Sailer (Frankfurt) taught parallel project-oriented courses on the overreaching topic of Language in Politics.

Naomi Truan (Leipzig) opened the conference with an invited talk on Continue reading 4th REEL Day, Feb. 15

Webelhuth and Sailer presenting at CSSP 2019

Gert Webelhuth was an invited speaker at this year’s Colloque de Syntaxe et Sémantique à Paris (CSSP). He spoke On the role of c-command in German. In his talk, he presented empricial evidence against the c-command condition in German: (i) cases in which relative scope of quantifiers is not determined by their surface c-command relation, (ii) cases of pronouns that are bound by non-c-commanding quantifiers, and (iii) cases of NPIs that are not c-commanded by their licensers. Continue reading Webelhuth and Sailer presenting at CSSP 2019

HPSG 2019: Conference report

This year’s HPSG conference took place in Bucharest, Rumania, July 24-26. It was very well organized and included a rich and interesting sightseeing program. Gert Webelhuth and Manfred Sailer were the

Entrance to HPSG 2019 (Photo: M. Sailer, ,  BY-NC-ND 3.0)

only participants from Frankfurt at HPSG 2019. Gert presented joint work with Olivier Bonami on syntactic haplology in Dutch and Manfred gave a joint talk with Monica-Mihaela Rizea on emphatic NPIs in result clauses in Romanian.

The papers presented at the main conference and at the pre-conference Continue reading HPSG 2019: Conference report

Two IEAS-talks at HPSG 2019

HPSG 2019 homepage:

This year’s HPSG conference will take place in Bucharest.  It will host two talks that are based on long-standing cooperations of members of the IEAS-linguistics department with other partners:

  • Monica-Mihaela Rizea (Bucharest) & Manfred Sailer: Representing scales. Degree result clauses and emphatic negative polarity items in Romanian
  • Gert Webelhuth & Olivier Bonami (Paris): Syntactic haplology and the Dutch proform ‘er’

Continue reading Two IEAS-talks at HPSG 2019

Sailer at Modification of Complex Predicates, Düsseldorf

Manfred Sailer gave an invited talk at the workshop on Modification of Complex Predicates, Düsseldorf, 23.&24.5.2019. The workshop was organized jointly by a number of projects of the SFB 991: The structure of representations in language, cognition, and science.

Düsseldorf, May 2019 (Photo: M. Sailer,  BY-NC-ND 3.0)

The workshop organizers, Curtis Anderson, Timm Lichte, and Jens Fleischhauer aimed at bringing together researchers on various kinds of complex predicates and at jointly discussing to which extend modification data can help shed light on the properties of complex predicates. The 10 workshop presentations illuminated exactly these aspects using different types of data and analytical tools. In his own talk, Manfred looked at modified kinegrams as in (1).

(1) Alex pricked her big ears. Continue reading Sailer at Modification of Complex Predicates, Düsseldorf