Earlier this week the open access publisher Language Science Press published a complete collection of papers by Tilman Höhle, edited by Stefan Müller, Marga Reis and Frank Richter. Tilman Höhle wrote a significant number of highly influential papers on German grammar (and on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar) from the early 80s until the beginning of the millenium. Among the topics covered are the topological fields model of German sentence structure, the syntax of coordination, derivation and inflection, verum focus, the difficult notions of normal word order and normal intonation, the structure of the left periphery of clauses in Germanic languages, the architecture of phonology, and the nature of syntactic traces in HPSG and their interaction with other assumptions about the structure of the lexicon and with lexical rules. A considerable number of these papers were never officially published before and circulated as electronic copies or even as paper copies. In the new volume they are easily accessible for the first time together with Höhle’s previously published work. Due to the publication model, the electronic download is free of charge.